Your choice of friends will either hinder you or will help build you to success

Not too long ago, I was playing a game with a friend and I was not having a good time whatsoever.  The reason why is because of this individual’s toxic behavior.  He was putting himself down and others.  It was demoralizing.  Ever since I realized that his behavior started affecting my mood and was slowly … Continue reading Your choice of friends will either hinder you or will help build you to success

Personally developing yourself early will help determine the success of your future

Throughout my childhood, I was told by my mom that I need to make sure I surround myself with good, positive influences.  This was echoed by many individuals: uncles, aunts, siblings, my friend’s parents, and people on the internet.  Because of this, I tried to surround myself with people who can help grow me instead … Continue reading Personally developing yourself early will help determine the success of your future